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【Semi-Graphitized carburant】How is the price trend developing?

【Semi-Graphitized carburant】How is the price trend developing?

Semi-Graphitized carburant】How is the price trend developing?


The price trend of semi-graphitized carburant is influenced by various factors. Currently, the mainstream price for semi-graphitized carburant with indicators C≥98.5%, S≤0.3%, and particle size 1-5mm ranges from 3300-3500 yuan/ton (including tax ex-factory), while the price for 0-2mm semi-graphitized carburant is around 2700-2900 yuan/ton.


2024 Semi-Graphitized Carburant Price Trend (2024-04-23).png

The current stability in petroleum coke prices, with some minor fluctuations, provides moderate support to the bottom of the semi-graphitized carburant market. Regarding downstream demand, steel mills are experiencing improved profitability, leading to increased molten iron production and marginal improvements in the fundamentals of the steel market. However, the pace of demand recovery remains relatively slow compared to the previous year. With steel prices stabilizing and adjusting slightly in the near term, the positive impact on graphitized carburants is somewhat weakened. Feedback from carburant manufacturers indicates that steel mills remain cautious in their raw material procurement, contributing to a slightly pessimistic market sentiment.

Overall, the increase in factory operating rates and the weakening support from costs and supply dynamics may lead to slight fluctuations in the price of semi-graphitized carburants. In the short term, the price of semi-graphitized carburants is expected to remain range-bound, with market sentiment awaiting the release of downstream demand before the May Day holiday. Contact us to learn more about the future developments of semi-graphitized carburant.

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