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【Graphitized Petroleum Coke】Market Price Information for November

【Graphitized Petroleum Coke】Market Price Information for November

【Graphitized Petroleum Coke】Market Price Information for November


Market Overview

As of November 20, China mainstream market prices for Graphitized petroleum coke carburant (GPC) remain stable. There is no significant fluctuation in raw material prices, and with weak downstream demand and strong pressure to lower prices in procurement, most enterprises maintain stable production based on orders. The market trading is generally moderate. China domestic graphite carburant (C≥98%, S≤0.05%, particle size: 1-5mm) mainstream priceis 4200-4600 CNY/ton, while the mainstream price for semi-graphitized carburant (C≥98%, S≤0.3%, particle size: 1-5mm) is 3500-4000 CNY/ton. The market average is 4350 CNY/ton, which is the same as the previous statistical day.

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Supply Aspect

GPC enterprises are mostly operating normally, producing according to orders, and maintaining low inventory levels.


Upstream Market

Calcined Petroleum Coke: The market for high-sulfur calcined coke is still generally weak. Currently, most enterprises producing regular sulfur calcined coke have reduced production. Some are shifting production to low-sulfur trace calcined coke to balance profits. The market for low-sulfur trace calcined coke is still supported by demand from the aluminum carbon market, and shipments remain stable.

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Downstream Market

Steel: On November 20, China steel market prices were weak, influenced by the oscillation and decline of futures, causing manufacturers' sentiments to be lukewarm. The market is undergoing a weak and stable adjustment, with prices tending to be weak. The market atmosphere is average, and transactions are not satisfactory. Terminal demand release is lower than expected, downstream procurement is slowing down, and acceptance of high-priced resources is limited. The market has started to focus on lowering prices and clearing inventory.


Future Forecast

Cost support is generally weak, and with poor downstream demand, the price of GPC is expected to be weak and stable in the short term. The mainstream price for graphitized carburant (C≥98%, S≤0.05%, particle size: 1-5mm) is 4200-4600 CNY/ton, while the mainstream price for semi-graphitized carburant (C≥98%, S≤0.3%, particle size: 1-5mm) is 3500-4000 CNY/ton.  Feel free to contact us to learn more about the GPC market trend. 

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